Life Is a Game turned 1 (week)

I'm thrilled to share some amazing news with you all! My latest single, "Life Is a Game," was released on May 10th, 2024, and the response has been incredible. Thanks to your unwavering support, the song has already amassed over 40,000 views! It's been an absolute joy to see how much you're enjoying it. I'm also excited to announce that "Life Is a Game" has been picked up by several radio stations across Great Britain. Knowing that my music is reaching new audiences and resonating with so many of you is truly heartwarming. But the excitement doesn't stop there. I'm working on even more new music, and I can't wait to share it with you. Mark your calendars for June, because that's when my next single will drop! I can't reveal too much just yet, but I promise it will be worth the wait. Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you again for your incredible support. You make this journey so…

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New Biography!

Beginning with his band Six Tin Jonesy, Owiwi brought boundless energy to the stage, captivating audiences for seven years. But as one chapter ended, another began. In 2011, Owiwi met Sebastian Geisler, a producer whose vision aligned perfectly with his own. Together, they created the heartfelt anthem "I’ll Be Waiting," marking a milestone in Owiwi’s musical journey. As his music soared, Owiwi found himself embracing a new role—that of fatherhood. In 2022, his daughter entered the world, bringing with her a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration. During this period, Owiwi’s focus shifted, reflecting the profound joy and responsibility of parenthood. In 2022, Owiwi poured his emotions into his ballad "Hero of Mine," a tribute to his father and their shared journey through the untamed wilderness of California. He captured the bittersweet essence of love and loss, leaving an indelible mark on his listeners’ hearts. With the release of "Life is a Game" in 2024, Owiwi embraced the celebratory spirit of music,…

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Drawing of a house and a pink flamingo in California

New Single coming May 10th, 2024

As I said, I'm starting over. New strategy, new plans, now energy. Oh yeah, new single as well. From now on there will be a new song at least every month and I'm starting now. May 10th, it's a Friday, will be the release of my new song Life Is a Game. This one has been in the making for way too long. I think I started recording and producing it pretty much at the same time I started my job as a teacher at a technical high school. I remember recording some vocals with some of my students then. That was a great time. If you listen closely, you might even still hear the guys in the background of the chorus. As usual I produced this song with Sebastian (Green Island Studios) my longtime producer and friend. Life Is a Game will be available everywhere, so don't worry, you won't miss it. But incase you want to play it right when…

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Let’s start over

After a bit of a break, it's time to start over. Let's give this music thing one more try. I have so many songs ready to be released that I can't wait to start. Who says that there needs to be a huge major label behind you as a musician? Just go to work, and do what you need to do. It's time, it's my time! Here we go!

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Life as I knew it

It's been almost four months since our lives have changed. And trust me, they have changed. Honestly, I can not say for better or for worse, my life now is just absolutely different and I don't dare to compare the one from before my daughters birth to the one I'm living right now. She is the cutest little thing and I cannot imagine being without her anymore. I can already notice that she enjoys music and me playing guitar. Not always though. There are days when I start playing she looks at me and must be thinking: "Pleaase stop!" and then just starts to cry. I'm sorry baby, :-)I'm currently working on my baby's own song. Can't wait for her to hear it for the first time. Hopefully she won't cry then :-)Love you baby girl!

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Official Alternative Music Video

In 2016, my dad had asked me if I wanted to hike the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) with him. This trail runs from the Mexican border to Canada, is 4265km (2650 ml) long and takes about six months to hike. We decided to conquer a section of it and planned on hiking through the wilderness of California for two months towards Mexico. Hiking this trail means planning your food supply in advance since you spend most of your days in the mountains, in the wilderness. You get to a town or some civilization probably around every 7-14 days. This means you will carry everything you need in your backpack. You will learn not to need anything! One shirt, one pair of socks and one pair of boxers! At first, I loved the idea of hiking the PCT, as soon as we hit the trail I was annoyed and really didn’t want to be there. It was incredibly hard and tiering. We hiked…

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New Single – Hero of Mine

Owiwi's new single Hero of Mine will be released on December 16, 2022. The song was written over 6 years ago and talks about his adventure of a live time, when his dad, who asked him to hike the Pacific Crest Trial with him, which runs through the wilderness of California, passed away on this hike. Owiwi wants to honor his dad with this song and dedicates it to all the heroes out there.Save it to your playlists on Spotify using this pre-safe link:

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Ed Sheeran

Is Ed a brilliant musician? No doubt about it. Some of my favourite songs are of his lesser know material, but his huge successes are incredible as well. But, what really makes this guy a role model for me is the fact that he just never stops performing music. In his early days he was busking on the streets trying out new stuff, working on his act, learning how to entertain his audience. That is something even harder than coming up with new melodies and songs. Putting yourself out there, being ready for folks not liking your music. That's fucking hard! But it's the only way to get better! So from now on, and this is more a promise to myself than to who ever reads this, I will perform more, pick up my guitar in public more, get ready for shows again and take every chance I can to at least play a couple of songs. This includes preparing my music…

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I wrote this piece several years back, but on Sunday I had this strong urge to just sit down and play it again. Usually, on good days, it's the happiest song for me that I have ever written, but right now as there is a war around the corner involving only innocent people except of a couple of so called world leaders, it just makes me so so sad!I hope this piece of music offers a little bit of hope to who ever needs it right now!

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My World – on Spotify

I'm really happy to annouce that My World cracked 4000 streams today on Spotify. This is so cool. What do you think? Will it reach the 10000 stream mark any time soon? By the way, did you actually know, that it helps us musicians out sooo much when our songs are being placed on your playlists? It shows the algorithm that there is something about the song and if enough people do the same thing, well then THE ALGORITHM will think:"Hey, maybe I should show this to even more people?". Alright that's it. Enough with this little IT/Social Media crash course!Catch you next time!Your's O.

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