My World – on Spotify

I'm really happy to annouce that My World cracked 4000 streams today on Spotify. This is so cool. What do you think? Will it reach the 10000 stream mark any time soon? By the way, did you actually know, that it helps us musicians out sooo much when our songs are being placed on your playlists? It shows the algorithm that there is something about the song and if enough people do the same thing, well then THE ALGORITHM will think:"Hey, maybe I should show this to even more people?". Alright that's it. Enough with this little IT/Social Media crash course!Catch you next time!Your's O.

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New Website

It's been a while since my website has been updated. Finally the day has come. I'm still working on a couple of bugs, but it's coming along pretty quickly. Feel free to sign up for the newsletter and be one of the first to my news. Best way to get in touch is to follow me on Instagram... just go ahead and DM me, if you feel like chatting. Your's Owiwi

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New Single – My World

Born in Vienna Austria Owiwi started writing music at a young age. Surely not having perfected the craft, he was given the opportunity to go to the East Coast of the United States to dive deeper into songwriting. After a couple of years abroad his path took him back to his home town, where he has since created and written music for other national and international artists, advertising and of course himself. The second single "My World" released on Feb. 4th, 2022 is all about love and how much his little niece changed his little world.

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